COVID-19 Education

Siloam Health proudly offers COVID-19 education and resources to help keep you and your family safe. Learn more below.

From the causes of COVID-19 to knowing the symptoms, debunking vaccine myths, and more, Siloam Health provides a comprehensive list of resources containing the information you’ll need to know to spot the signs and prevent the spread of COVID-19 as well as what to do if you or a loved one contract it.

Click here to view the Siloam Health COVID-19 Education Guide.




It’s understandable you may have questions about COVID-19, including the safety and effectiveness of the vaccines. Below, you’ll find answers to some frequently asked questions.

What is COVID-19 & Its Symptoms?

COVID-19 is an illness caused by a crown-shaped virus that’s commonly transmitted through airborne droplets.

COVID-19 causes respiratory symptoms including sneezing, coughing, congestion, and/or fever. Not everyone will experience the same symptoms

Click here to read more about this on the Siloam Health COVID-19 Education Guide.

Why should I get the vaccine?

Getting a COVID-19 vaccine is the safest and most effective way to protect yourself and your loved ones from COVID-19. The vaccine helps your immune system build protection against the virus in case you are exposed in the future.

Click here to read more about this on the Siloam Health COVID-19 Education Guide.

Are the vaccines safe & effective?

Yes! The COVID-19 vaccines have already been given to millions of Americans and have been shown to be safe and effective at preventing them from getting sick with COVID-19.

Click here to read more about this on the Siloam Health COVID-19 Education Guide.

What are the most common side effects after vaccination?

After getting vaccinated, you may experience some side effects that include pain in the arm where you received the shot, fever, tiredness, and headache.

These side effects can be treated with over-the-counter medicines like Tylenol or Ibuprofen and usually go away after a few days.

Click here to read more about this on the Siloam Health COVID-19 Education Guide.

Should I get vaccinated if I've already recovered from COVID-19?

Yes. Because experts do not know yet how long you are protected from getting sick again after recovering from COVID-19, you should get vaccinated for increased protection.

Click here to read more about this on the Siloam Health COVID-19 Education Guide.

Should I get the vaccine if I currently have COVID?

No. People with COVID-19 who have symptoms should wait to be vaccinated until they have recovered and have met the criteria for discontinuing isolation.

People with COVID-19 without symptoms should also wait until they meet the isolation criteria before getting vaccinated.

Click here to read more about this on the Siloam Health COVID-19 Education Guide.

After I receive the vaccine, do I need to continue wearing a mask?

Yes.  Even after vaccination, continue wearing masks, staying at least 6 feet away from others, avoiding crowds, avoid poorly ventilated spaces, and washing hands often.

Click here to read more about this on the Siloam Health COVID-19 Education Guide.

Where else can I go to get vaccinated?

Click here to visit Vaccine Finder, an online tool that shows you the convenient places you can receive the COVID-19 vaccine near your zip code.


If you have questions or need additional information, please contact the Community Health Program Manager Caitlin Washburn at 407.608.0952 or by email at